Links to C-130 Hercules Walkarounds and Scale Models Last Updated January 12, 2008
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Favorite Links:
Jamestown Ohio, Jim Sutton Webmaster - My Dads Site - The first and complete site about the history of Jamestown, Ohio with lots of historical pictures and news for Ohio Veterans.
HerkyBirds - Hercules Headquarter - The complete site about the C-130 Hercules, News, Photos, Tail numbers, Forum, and history of the mighty Herk. Highly Recommended.
AeroEd - The Highest Quality Training and Technical Support for Aviation Maintenance Technicians from experienced Instructors. - Looking for first class aviation maintenance training? They offer technical training for Avionics, Airframe, Engine, Borescope, ATA 104 levels. - Technical Training available for C-130, Airbus 300, 310, 319, 320, 321, 330, 340, Boeing 717, 727, 737, 747, 757, 767, 777, Embraer 145 and much more. Contact for all your technical training needs.
Cybermodeler.com - Michael Benolken's model webzine with aircraft references, photo library, and model product reviews. Highly recommended.
 Hyperscale - Brett Green's outstanding scale model webzine, tons of model galleries, new model products and reviews. Daily updates. Highly recommended. When does Brett find time to build models?
 Rouchworks - Fotios Rouch model webzine with aviation art, scale model builds, aircraft references, and model product reviews. Highly recommended.
 Stephen Mudgett Aviation Art - Aviation art, Murals and Design. Highly recommended - доставка цветов Тверь недорого.
 Classic Warships - Owned and operated by Steve Wiper, Highly Recommended
Caricature Aircraft Pictures - The work of UK based artist Rob Henderson - His aim is to offer something a bit more unusual in the way of aviation artwork to all you aviation fans out there... and hopefully as you look around the galleries you'll agree just that. Highly Recommended.
Internet Modeler - Awesome Monthly Model webzine, lots to see here, Highly recommended.
Aircraft Resource Center - Steve Bamford's outstanding scale model webzine, looks to look at here, with daily updates and outstanding walkarounds. Highly Recommended.
Modeling Madness - Scott Van Aken's outstanding scale model webzine, lots of build-ups and reviews, also updated daily.
Flying Frog's Scale Model Club - Chris has a great site here, this site is French based with English interpretation available, Models and walk-around galleries. I highly recommend this site
Swanny Models - Awesome Scale Modeling website, lots of "How To's", Highly recommended.
Armorama.com - Outstanding Scale Modeling website, extensive gallery of models builds and a awesome modelers forum. Not just Armor found here. Highly Recommended.
IPMS Stockholm - Awebzine dedicated to the art of plastic scale modeling. You can find a Federal Standard (FS) Color Database Server here. Highly Recommended.
Airliners.net - Outstanding collection of photographs, you can find over 2,300 photos just on the C-130. Highly Recommended.
C-130 Walkarounds:
AC-130H SPECTRE (USAF Special Ops) - Prime Portal website the Military Enthusiast and Modelers Reference site - 69-6572, 67 photos are found in the walkaround from the Joint Services open house at Andrews AFB photographed by Michael Block.
MC-130E COMBAT TALON I (USAF Special Ops) - Prime Portal website the Military Enthusiast and Modelers Reference site - 64-0568, 78 photos are found in the walkaround from the Joint Services open house at Andrews AFB photographed by Michael Block.
C-130E (USAF Hercules) - by Mike Boyd - 104 photos of aircraft 69-6580, formally stationed at Pope AFB, NC. The photos where taken at the Air Mobility Command Museum. Highly Recommended.
C-130H (Air National Guard) - by Krikor Abrahamyan - The photos where taken at Baghdad, Iraq on 16th July 2003
C-130J-30 Royal Australian AF Hercules Walkaround temporarily not available at this time Please Visit the Perth Military Modelling Society - Registration # A97-441 (C/N 5441) 12 Herks to be delivered to the RAAF. - A very good walkaround of a RAAF Hercules -30 stretch, great detail photos of exterior and cargo compartment. The J-30 has 15 extra feet built into her in the form of two extension plugs. The powerplant is the Rolls-Royce Allison AE2100D3 turbo-prop, rated at 4,591 eshp (3,424kW) with a six-bladed Dowty Aerospace propeller. This Herk has the old standard cargo dual rails system and cargo floor, this is also typical of the US Marines version C-130J-30 Herks. No flight deck (glass cockpit) photos are included.
CC-130J U. S. Air Force (Air National Guard) Hercules - Coming Real Soon on this site.
C-130J U. S. Air Force (Maryland Air National Guard) Hercules - 98-1357 (C/N 5493) Maryland Air National Guard C-130J Standard Length, 5 photos included, great flight deck photos.
AC-130H Spectre - These photos were taken by Danny Deters. Aircraft Resource Center Web Site, 27 Photos included
AC-130U Gunship - These photos were taken by and Steve Belanger. Aircraft Resource Center Web Site - These picture were taken in July 2001 at the Pope Air Force Base (NC) airshow. The 15 photos directly below were taken by Steve Belanger.
C-130 Hercules (Tp82) - The first pictures (of the Herk in low-viz scheme) were taken at F-16 Uppsala Air Show in 2001
KC-130F - KC-130F Herk Walkaround.
RNZAF C-130H - The Royal New Zealand Air Force operates five C-130H aircraft (NZ7001-NZ7005).
C-130E - Royal Norwegian Air Force C-130E Walkaround.
IAF C-130J - Italian Air Force C-130J
C-130H-30 - Lockheed RNethAF (KLu)
C-130 Photos - www.mil.be web site with C-130 Photos.
Flying Frogs C-130H Photos - French Air Force C-130 Walkaround.
United States Air Force Art Collection - Desert Phoenix - By Barbara Carr - Desert Phoenix: C-130 Hercules Heraldic Nose-art beautifully hand painted by someone in the U. S. Air Force in Saudi Arabia for operation Desert Storm/January - February 1991. Definition of Phoenix: Legendary ancient Egyptian bird symbolizing immortality - being consumed in fire, it rises again, an old spirit in a new and vigorous body. This painting is from a USAF slide made available to artists participating in this program from the Society of Illustrators, New York. Nose art is personalized expression and is all by itself a particular area worthy of being Collector s Items . It occurred to me that there ought to be a series of U. S. Postage Stamps commemorating the best of Nose art by the USAF. Note: This is the first time I have worked from a slide taken by someone else in another land. My only exposure to this war was seeing in on CNN Television. Whoever thought up this symbol and painted it was a talented and learned person.
C-130 Photos and Scale Model Reference, Austrian Language Site - Austrian C Mk. 1P Hercules interior exterior photos, line drawings, scale model references - British C Mk. 1P photos - The Hercules Story, contains a very comprehensive history on the mighty herk, lots of photos included. - Civilian Transports
Lockheed C-130H Hercules, Belgian Air Force - 90 photos included plus links to scale drawings, Belgian language site
Lockheed C-130 Hercules, The Aviation Zone - Great C-130 Photos and Links
Canadian Air Force C-130 Hercules Photos - 3 page gallery of Canadian CC-130 Hercules
Blue Angles Fat Albert in Flight - These photos were taken by David DeLang. Aircraft Resource Center Web Site, 3 photos included
Keith Roberts C-130 Photos - C-130 Photos, 136th Airlift Wing Texas ANG
C-130 Related Links:
C-130 Hercules Headquarters - Everything C-130 here, great photo's and history of the mighty Herk. Great C-130 Forum available here also. - Site Owner Scott J. Gager has done an outstanding job with this site.
HC-130P Why Did These 10 Men Die, King 56 Crash - Pilots, engineers and the Air Force's own documents raise serious doubts about the investigation of the King-56 crash. It's not the first time an Air Force accident report has drawn fire for its flaws.
Sam's C-130 History Page - A great resource for history of the mighty Herk. - Site Owner Sam McGowan Author: The Cave A Novel of the Vietnam War
Clyde North Aeronautical Preservation Group - This site lists some basic details of the majority of the Hercules that have been produced. More detailed information will progressively be added. Any additional details would be very much appreciated. Very comprehensive list of Herk serial numbers with some photographs of each plane, looks as if they could use more photos specific to C-130 serial numbers. - Recommended
USAF Aircraft Serial Numbers - Joe Baugher's excellent serial number site includes serial numbers for USAAS/USAAC/USAAF/USAF from 1908 to Present and US Navy/US Marine Corps Bureau numbers from 1911 to present and US Coast Guard Aircraft Bureau numbers. You can also find a whole bunch of Aviation articles on his site found HERE. Highly Recommended.
Scale C-130 Models:
Drone Carrier DC-130A Hercules - Hyperscale Web site, by David W. Aungst - Testors (Italeri) DC-130A in 1/72nd scale plastic model.
C-130E Hercules Part 1 - Testors Scaleworkshop Web site, by David W. Aungst - Testors (Italeri) C-130E in 1/48th scale plastic model.
C-130E Hercules Part 2 - Testors Scaleworkshop Web site, by David W. Aungst - Testors (Italeri) C-130E in 1/48th scale plastic model.
C-130J Hercules, 1/48 Italeri - By Mike Quan - Italeri 1/48th C-130J kit, Additional info on Mike's kit. The electrics was the first task, I ran the motors in parallel sequence as well as the lighting. All wiring ran into the wing box via a plastic tube and along the roof of the fuselage to the rear where the battery connection sat under the rudder. The battery is an external pack from a Tamyia battery pack (4 x 'C' cells) used for a 1/35th tank! I used four small motors (cost about $2.50AUS each), they are flatten on two sides and rounded on the other two (sorry I have no idea what the model no. is!) but they fit into the engine nacelle. The props had to be modified to fit onto the motor shaft (polypropylene rings). There are lights in the main wheel housing, forward fuselage which run the fibre optics in the aft, above the ramp, the tail at the base of the rudder, and LEDs in the main wing (starboard & port) and blinking LEDs, one on top and below the fuselage. The fuselage was lengthened by using parts from another 1/48th C-130H (cutting up the fuselage) particularly the plug forward and aft of the main wing. Interior was lengthened using plastic struts & sheets. Transparent sheets were blended in and masked to give a cutaway effect. The model was sprayed in FS36375. The decals were computer generated and printed on a digital laser printer on to an A4 transparent decal paper. Most of the finer detail was scratched built using the photos from the Sydney Airport open day, it was the second C-130J-30 that the RAAF had at the time. - From the Aircraft Resource Center Website. - Featured Here also
Lockheed C-130H Hercules - by Mick O'Brien The Italeri 1/48 scale C130-H Hercules kit was used as the basis for 36 Squadron’s aircraft A97-001 in early 1999. The kit is for an earlier version of the H model so considerable work was required to bring the model up to Australian specifications. From the Hyperscale Website.
C-130H 1/48 Hercules Italeri - by Leslie Choy - Italeri C-130H in 1/48nd scale, with lighted interior. From the Aircraft Resource Center Website - From the Aircraft Resource Center Website.
C-130H-30 Hercules - Italeri C-130H in 1/72nd scale with extra Airfix kit for extension plugs.
C-130H, 1/72 Italeri kit with Ozmod's C-130A conversion - By David Horn II - Italeri C-130H in 1/72nd scale. - From the Aircraft Resource Center Website.
C-130H Hercules - By S.B Parameswaran - Italeri C-130H in 1/72nd scale build. - From the Aircraft Resource Center Website.
C-130H, 1/48 Italeri - By Vern Gwin - Italeri C-130H in 1/48th scale. - From the Aircraft Resource Center Website.
LC-130R Ski Hercules, 1/72 Italeri - by Thomas Neuss - LC-130R Ski Hercules, 1/72 Italeri Hercules kit (Fat Albert KC-130), Flight Path LC-130F Hercules Ski and Fitting Set, Superscale 72-195 LC-130R Hercules VXE-6 NAS Point Mugu. - From the Aircraft Resource Center Website.
C-130 Diorama, "A Fatboy Called Herky", Testors 1/48 - by Andrés F. Acuña - Testors C130 Hercules 1:48 scale kit, Sorted 1:48 scale figures (Monogram, Tamiya and Esci) - From the Aircraft Resource Center Website.
1/48 Italeri C-130H Hercules - by Darius Aibara - The kit represents an RAF Hercules C1-P of No. 70 Squadron at RAF Lyneham in 1982 following "Operation Corporate" in the Falklands. - From the Aircraft Resource Center Website.
1/72 MPC Lockheed C-130E Hercules - by Tadeu Pinto Mendes, presents a Brazilian Air Force Herk, 3 photos included. - From the Aircraft Resource Center Website.
1/48 Italeri DC-130A Hercules - by István Hevesi, presents a big drone carrying Herk, with the Cutting-Edge DC-130 resin nose radome, 9 photos included. - From the Aircraft Resource Center Website.
1/48 Italeri AC 130U Hercules - by István Hevesi, presents a beautiful Spectre Gunship U-Boat, 8 photos are included. - From the Aircraft Resource Center Website.
1/48 Italeri C-130H (E) "Turkish Stars" - by H.Ufuk Aydiner, presents a beautiful white a red Turkish cargo Hercules, 22 photos included. - From the Aircraft Resource Center Website.
1/72 Italeri C-130H Republic of Singapore Air Force 122 Sqn No. 730 - by David Bey, presents a very nicely detail Herk using the Flightpath resin engines and photoetch sets. - From the Aircraft Resource Center Website.
1/200 Hasegawa C-130 H Hercules (Belgium Special) - by Yvan Vansteenkiste, presents the beautiful 20 year anniversary nose and tail art of CH05 (c/n 4470), 5 pictures included. - From the Aircraft Resource Center Website.
1/48 Italeri CC-130H Hercules (130329 Canadian Herk) - by Shawn 'Phantom' Weiler, presents a Herk in Canadian markings, 6 photos included. - From the Aircraft Resource Center Website.
AC-130U Gunship "U-BOAT", AMT 1:72 - AMT AC-130U in 1/72nd scale plastic model review.
AC-130U Gunship, AMT 1:72 - by Peter Fey, from The Modeling Madness Web Site - Excellent build-up of AMT's AC-130U Gunship Includes Gunship nose art.
AC-130E Spectre, Testors/Italeri 1:72 - by David W. Aungst, from the Testors Scale Workshop. - Excellent build-up of Testors/Italeri AC-130A converted to a AC-130E Spectre Gunship.
Flying Kiwis 1/72 C-130H Hercules - by Mark Fordham, from The Modeling Madness Web Site - No. 40 Squadron RNZAF, excellent scale model.
Italeri AC-130A 1/48 Scale Hercules - by Peter Marshall, from The Modeling Madness Web Site - Another outstanding scale model, lots of fine detail.
Italeri AC-130A 1/48 Scale Hercules Gunship - by Lee Kolosna, from The Modeling Madness Web Site - Excellent review
AC-130U Gunship "SPECTRE", ITALERI 1:48 - Italeri AC-130U in 1/48th scale plastic model in-box review.
1/72 Royal Malaysian Air Force C-130H Air Drop Diorama - Diorama built by Mr. Johan aka "Brutus", Major Muzzafar (10 Para Brigade) and members of the 10 Para Brigade Air Detachment. - From the Aircraft Resource Center Website.
1/48 TESTORS C130 HERCULES WORK IN PROGRESS REVIEW - by Phile Keene, beautiful detail work in progress.
1/35 C130H HERCULES RAAF - by Defense Models and Graphics
Flight Path's C-130 1/72 Detail Sets - Highly detailed sets for 1/72 scale C-130 models.
Flight Path's C-130 1/48 Detail Set - Highly detailed set for 1/48 scale C-130 models.
Review of Flight Paths C-130E/H 1/72 & 1/48 Detail Sets - by Stephen Sutton - From the Cybermodeler Website.
Review of Flight Paths C-130H T56-A-15 Engine Conversion - by Stephen Sutton - From the Cybermodeler Website.
Dealer for a Radio Controlled C-130 Hercules - An outstanding 1/10th scale RC flying model kit. - The Jet Hangar Hobbies C-130 Hercules is the largest kit ever to leave our doors. Sold as a short-kit and being the only propeller aircraft we offer, this aircraft incorporates all of the quality you would expect from one of our jet kits. Also, flying characteristics of the C-130 Hercules will wow you with its stable flight characteristics and grace and realism in the air. The fuselage comes in three sections with slip fits and the wings are removable just outboard of the inboard nacelle for ease of transportation of this big bird. This semi-kit offers the option of a functional cargo area door and is capable of carrying 10 lbs. of payload. Costs around 2.5K
Radio Controlled C-130 Hercules - An outstanding 1/12th scale RC flying model.
Dealer for a Radio Controlled C-130 - VM-3800 Voster Modellbau C-130 flying model, fiberglass kit.
RC Universe Forum - C-130 Discussion Thread - Very interesting discussion here, over 52 pages of discussion pictures and how-tos. C-130 ARF Thread. C-130 Plans Thread.
C-130 Hercules 1/72 Scale Model Census - The definitive view of 1/72 C-130 scale models and detail parts.
C-130 Hercules Transport Aircraft airplane models - Purchase plastic and wooden display models.
C-130J-30 Hercules - Wooden display model.
C-130 Hercules - Exotic Wood's wooden display model.
Royal Norwegian AF C-130E Decals K-R Dekaler Scale Decals http://www.webnor.no/kar-dekaler/engpages/engframe.html http://www.webnor.no/kar-dekaler/dekalark/7207.html

Other Nose Art Links:
Bomber Girl - Outstanding collection of Nose Art.
Leaumont.com - World War 2 Nose Art.
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