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If you have any C-130 Nose Art that you would like to contribute to this site, please email me the digital or scanned images or mail photographs to me and I will scan them and send them back to you. Please include a brief background and description about the pictures you send. I will give you full credit for all images added to this site.
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One of your Launch trucks with its own nose art applied Standing in front of the Truck Is the Artist of the majority of art is SSgt James Pitts
Our Expeditor MSgt John Andersen asked SSgt Pitts to apply the art. "Have You Flogged Your Crew Today?"
Beautiful Coach Tail Art on CMSgt Ret. Bob Medford's RV. Bost is a retired Loadmaster, photo was taken at Davis-Monthan AFB Family Camp. Photo by Bill Chaplin |

MC-130H, 88-0194, (C/N 5133) Combat Talon II Iron Maden

Dustin Krueger Photo
MC-130H, 87-0023, (C/N 5091) Combat Talon II Fourth Horseman

 Jeff Stoermer Photo
The Guts to Try
MC-130E-Y, 64-0565, (C/N 4077) History: Became C-130E-1, 1967; 1174th SS, 1972-73; 1st SOS, 1977-80. Became MC-130E-Y; took part in attempted rescue of US hostages, Tabas, Iran, and sustained damage on take-off, 25-4-80. Combat Talon I, only 4 aircraft, Rivet Yank, two of which adopted the serials of crashed Herks and were used in clandestine operations, serials 62-1843 (C/N 3991) ex 64-0507, and 63-7785 (C/N 3991) ex 64-0507.
New York Fire Department In Memory of 9/11
Unknown serial number
C-130H, 85-1362, (C/N 1572) Snoopy, Red Baron |

EC-130E, ABCCC, 42d ACCS 62-1836 (C/N 3799) History: 314th TCW, 1966. Became EC-130E, 1966; 7th ACCS, 1970-74; 16th TATS, 1975-76; 158th TAS, Georgia ANG, 1977; 7th ACCS, 1977-81; 42d ACCS, 1981-2002, 79th RQS, 2002-2003 Thanks to Terri Fitzgerald The 42 ACCS was Deactivated Sept 2002 Many of these unit birds are slatted to go to AMARC, Tucson, AZ.
EC-130H 63-7828, (C/N 3896) Commando Solo History: 316th TAW, 1969; 313 TAW, 1970-71; 346th TAS, 516th TAW, 1973; 463d TAW, 1975-77; 193d SOS/ECS, Pennsylvania ANG, 1977-81; became EC-130E(CL), 1979. Commemorating the Decommissioning of Aircraft 63-7828.
Desert Queen, Desert Queen, 193d SPEC OPS Wing Harrisburg ANG, PA |
Contributed by Kelly Jamison
I fly FCF and Flight Test missions for the development of Commando Solo aircraft and Compass Call aircraft out of Davis-Monthan. Anyway 7828 was flown to Palmdale and all of its Special Mission Equipment was taken off for use in the new EC-130J Commando Solo II we are building. The engines were taken off at Palmdale and the plane is being parted out. It sits about 200 feet from where I work in pieces.
I tried to get the Edwards Flight Test Museum to take the plane but without engines and all the antennas that make the plane different, they were not interested. All the signatures and nose art are still there. I believe when the cutters come to take it apart they are going to cut off the left side and send it back to the PA-ANG for display. Every time a PA-ANG guy comes here they are very sad to see the current state of the plane. They said it was a good plane.
We have the first Commando Solo II coming out of the paint barn and will do the final flight test in the near future. Because of the security at Plant 42 Pictures are difficult to get but I will try to get you a current pic of it. We have another EC-130E there but for the life of me I can't remember its tail number right now. It doesn't have any wings and is in smaller pieces than 828. A little more info.
Lockheed lost the contract to do Depot repair on the Compass Call aircraft and the contract was won by L3 Comm out of Waco Texas. Travis is a QA inspector there now and we are moving operations out of Palmdale in November. The Commando Solo II project will continue to be at Palmdale until all 6 airplanes are done.

We are expecting another PA-ANG Solo plane in a few weeks. I am the one on the far right of the group. The plane in the background is 74-002065 it was used as a test bed for a few years and had the least amount of hours on it. It was used to test equipment for the YC-130H's that were going to be used in the rescue of the Iran Hostage situation in the 1980's. It even had swept back wings once but that experiment was a failure and I don't even know if the plane flew in that configuration. The very proud crew chief of that plane in the mid 90's was Keith Dorman who eventually became a fantastic flight engineer and went on to gunships at Herby field. If you have any questions that I might be able to help you with, let me know. I see lots of 130's all the time and have some great stories. Kel
Download Kelly Jamesons story here
Fear Tac Air Mini 63-7833, C-130E (C/N 3901) History: 438th MAW, 1967-68; 463d TAW, 1975-76; 327th TAS, 1976-80. Photo by Kelly Jamison
Hazard 01 74-1675, C-130H, (C/N 4640) History: Delivered 12-75. 463d TAW, Dyess AFB, Texas, 1976-81. Photo by Kelly Jamison

C-130E 70-1274 Spirit of Ramstein For History see page 1, this Herk carried the Bull Dog nose art during Desert Shield 1990
C-130H, (C/N 5098) 86-0412 758th AS Contributed by TRAVA |
C-130E 64-0557 (C/N 4058) Christine History: 314th TAW, 1971-72; 374th TAW, 1973; 21st TAS, 1976-81; 314th TAW, 1981-82.
C-130E 69-6580, (C/N 4356) 43d AW, Pope AFB, NC. History: 61st TAS, 64th TAW, 1970; 314th TAW, 1975-81, 317 TAW
C-130E, 63-7850, (C/N 3920), 316th TCW, 1967; 314 TAW, 1971-82

 Photos by |
C-130E, 62-1866 (C/N 3830) Arkansas is a Natural History: 464th TAW, 1968-70; 314th TAW, 1975; 303d TAS, 1975-81; 314th TAW 81- Present.
 For Sale Arctic Circle Photo by |
C-130E 63-7813 (C/N 3883) 317th AW, Pope AFB, NC. History: 516th TAW, 1970-71; 316th TAW, 1975; 37th TAS, 1976; 317th TAW, 1979-82.
 For Sale RAF Mildenhall Photo by |
C-130E 63-7823 (C/N 3891) 317th AW, Pope AFB, NC. History: 464th TAW, 1968-73; 317th TAW, 1975-76; 314th TAW, 1976-79; 317th TAW, 1979-82.
C-130E, 63-7849, (C/N 3919) 317 TAW, Pope AFB, Flying Tigers History: 315th TAW, 1968-75; 37th TAS, 1976; 317th TAW, 1977-82
C-130E, 63-9810, (C/N 3971) 317 TAW, Pope AFB, NC. History: 778th TAS, 1967; 464th TAW, 1968-73; 317th TAW, 1975-76; 314th TAW, 1976-79; 435th TAW, 1980; 317th TAW, 1980-82.
C-130E, 63-7825, (C/N 3893) 317th TAW Pope AFB, NC. History: 516th TAW, 1968; 374th TAW, 1973; 345th TAS, 1975-81; 317th TAW 1982
C-130H, 74-2133 (C/N 4730), 3rd Airlift Wing, Elmendorf AFB, Alaska DCC SSgt Jacob Veriato ACC SrA Ashley Pomeroy
 Photos taken in 2001, Photos Contributed by Kevin J. Hayes

C-130T, 164998, (C/N: 5305) VR 53, Old Man Winter
20 aircraft, C-130Ts, which were C-130H transports fitted with T56A-16 engines and carried refueling packages.
Photos Contributed by Jim John |
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