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Many Thanks goes out to MSgt Tim Peters for his valuable help in making this web site as it is today!
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64-0537 Desert Warrior, Crew Chief SSgt Gary Tuhl, painted by Perry Bratcher. |
Contributed by: Mark S. Hatcher, " Desert Warrior ", 64-0537 sure rang a bell!!! It was painted by SSgt Perry Bratcher. He was a member of 5th MAPS, we were stationed at Dahahran for the duration of Shield/Storm. A fighter puke with the 1 TFW wanted the design for his F-15. Perry refused his request and hurried to paint it on the BAT. He didn't want the fighter puke to steal his design. Perry first painted it on a sheet and hung it up in the ATOC. He worked for at least 15 hours. The fighter puke actually went up the chain to get Perry to change his mind. Perry stood fast and waited for the chance to get started on the BAT. The results speak for itself. Perry then started making t-shirts for us with the same design. Actually, "Desert Warrior" was one of his minor works.
This airplane was the best example of Nose Art. The Air Brush Artist used numerous colors and shading. It was a real work of art, to see in person.

 Photo by Paul Jarvis
This airplane was on the BAT-60 mission at Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, when Iraq attacked Kuwait, this plane and crew were Frozen at Dhahran, and could not be replaced with new crew. So this airplane wasn't deployed to Al-Ain, UAE
 Photo by Aaron M. Kreager
History: (C/N 4027) 61st TAS, 1968; 777th TAS, 1968; 516th TAW, 1969-70; 464th TAW, 1971-73; 317 TAW, 1975-76; 21st TAS, 1978; 317th TAW, 1979-82.

Roger Rabbit, The Crew Chief was Eddy Minter, Tail Number 68-10935, This one really stood out. Painted by A1C Anthony (JR) Todd Smith, Now Capt Todd Smith who pilots B-52's.
History: (C/N 4315 ) 64th TAW, 1969-70; 314th TAW, 1973; 464th TAW, 1974; 314th TAW, 1975; 317th TAW, 1975-76; 435th TAW, 1977-81.
70-1264, Yosemite Sam, The Crew Chief was SSgt Jim Philhower, it was painted by A1C Anthony (JR) Todd Smith, Now Capt Todd Smith who pilots B-52's.
Because this one was so large, you could see it when the plane was flying.
They were so large and colorful, higher headquarters ordered the paintings removed before Desert Storm.
History: (C/N 4417) 777th TAS, 1971-73; 317th TAW, 1975-77; 37th TAS, 1977-82.

 Photos by Aaron M. Kreager.
 Photo by Paul Jarvis |
64-0550, (C/N 4045) Camel Express,
Crew Chief Sgt Scott Hornsby
History: 62d TAS, 1967; 64th TAW, 1968-69; 464th TAW, 1969-73; 317th TAW, 1975-77; 37th TAS 1977-78; damaged in landing accident, Naples, 30-5-78, but repaired; AFSC, 1979; 317th TAW, 1979-81; 37 TAS 81-Present Photo contributed by Aaron M. Kreager
C-130E 70-1270, (C/N 4424), Spruce Moose History: 464th TAW, 1971-73; 317th TAW, U-Tapao RTAFB, Thailand, 1973; 464th TAW, 1973-75; 317 TAW, 1975-82
C-130E 63-7885, (C/N 3956), Spaceman Spiff The Crew Chief was Sgt Gereon Mertin History: 464th TAW, 1968-73; Cambodian resupply operation, 1974 (Thi Am, Bird Air); 317th TAW, 1975-77; 37th TAS, 1977-81
Al-Ain, UAE 37th TAS Flight Crew in front of 69-6582 Donatello Ninja Turtle Paul Jarvis is the first from the right
Many Thanks goes out to for contributing some missing nose art photos to this site.

Another Sunset Shot in Al-Ain, These sunsets were as nice as I have ever seen. Herky photo with sun in front, photo was taken in-flight, I did not take this photo.

63-7776, Arkansas Dreaming, a Little Rock AFB Bird.
History: (C/N 3842) 346th TAS, 516th TAW, 1969-73; 463d TAW, 1973; 32d TAS, 314th TAW, 1975; 17th TAS, 21st CW, 1976-78; 317th TAW, 1979-82.

 Photo by Paul Jarvis |
Hall on Call 64-0542 (C/N 4032) Pope AFB NC. History: 62d TAS, 1967-68; 64th TAW, 1968; 464th TAW, 1969-70; 313th TAW, 1970-72; 314th TAW, 1975-78; 62d MAW, 1978; 317 TAW, 1978-82
Total Victory 64-0556, C-130E (C/N 4057) History: 314th TAW ( The Iron Butterfly), 1969-71; 374th TAW, 1973; 21st TAS, 1976-81. Desert Storm Converted to a Load Master Ground Trainer Fuselage only at Hurlburt Field FL. Photo by Robert Huberty, SMSgt Ret.
C-130E, 64-0539 (C/N 4029) 317th TAW History: 61st TAS, 1968; 313 TAW, 1970; 314th TAW, 1975-77; 62d MAW, 1978; 317th TAW, 1978-82. Frankenherk Photo by Home Page
C-130E, 72-1290, (C/N 4502) History: 314th TAW, 1974-76; 21st TAS, 1976-81. Good To Go
C-130E, 70-1261, (C/N 4413) History: 64th TAW, 1971; 464th TAW, 1971-73; 317th TAW Pope AFB, NC, 1975-82
C-130E, 62-1803, (C/N 3757) History: 36th TAS, 316th TAW, c1972; 303d TAS, 1975-81. Photo taken during Desert Shield
C-130E 314TAW Unknown Tail # ?? Paul Gernon photo
C-130E, 63-7771, (C/N 3837) Spooky History: 516th TAW, 1969-71; 314th TAW, 1979-81. Paul Gernon photo
C-130E, 63-7814 (C/N 3888) History: 316th TAW, 1968-73; 36th TAS, 62d MAW, 1976-81. Dustin Krueger Photo

74-2072, C-130H Texas Shadow flown by the 40th Airlift Squadron 317th Airlift Wing, Dyess AFB, Abilene, TX.
Pictures were taken during the Bosnia conflict flying in and out of Sareajevo and Tusla in 1998 and Kosovo in 1999. Pictured with the aircraft, TSgt Todd K. Wood-the (DCC)Dedicated Crewchief and (FCC) Flying Crewchief of the aircraft. Photos Contributed by Todd Wood
History: (C/N 4705), Delivered 12-76. 463d TAW, Dyess AFB, Texas, 1977-81; 317th AW, Dyess AFB, 1981-Present
  The aircraft was maintained by his crew, Sra Andre McCreary (ACC/FCC), A1C Mathew Lutz-(ACC), A1C Kerry Reyes-(ACC), A1C Henderson-(ACC).

86-1699 (C/N 5026) Merlin's Majic MC-130H Combat Talon II
Photos Contributed by Marcel Ritzema
Photos taken at RAF Mildenhall Air Fete, UK, 25th March 2001.

69-5831 (C/N 4380) Night Owl MC-130P Combat Shadow History: HC-130N 71st ARRS, 1976-81 Modified MC-130P 1992.
Photos Contributed by Marcel Ritzema
Photos taken at RAF Mildenhall Air Fete, UK, 25th March 2001
 Jim John photo
MC-130E Combat Talon I 64-0551, (C/N 4046) Became C-130E-I; 1st SOS, 1967; 15th SOS, 1967; 7th ACCS, 1968-69, 7th SOS 1973-79. Became MC-130E-C, 1978; 8th SOS, 1979-80; 7th SOS, 1981; 8th SOS, 1981-82; 7th SOS 1983-91. Became MC-130P. Thanks to for identifying the tail number for this photo.
“The World Jihad Tour, Combat Talon” art was something one of our pilots came up with, while we were deployed for Operation Enduring Freedom. The dice shows 7 on one and 11 on the other, hence 711th SOS. Contributed by Mike Bernhardt
MC-130P 69-5826, (C/N 4375),Combat Shadow History: 67th ARRS, 1970-77; 55th ARRS, 1977-78; 67th ARRS, 1979-82.
Moinier Régis photo

 Jeff Stoermer Photo |
62-1843 (C/N 3806) MC-130E History: 516th TCW, 1964; force landed, 20-12-65, but repaired; 1174th SS, 1971-72. Became C-130E-I; 1st SOS, 1977-81 Became MC-130E-Y, 1978.

62-1844, (C/N 3807) City of St. Paul, C-130E, Minnesota Air National Guard History: 314 TAW, 1968; 374th TAW, 1972-73; 756th TAS 1977-80; 934th AW, 1980- Present.
Photos taken at the Royal International Air Tatoo last year in Cottesmore, UK 28th July 2001
Photos Contributed by Marcel Ritzema
64-17681 (C/N 4069) The airplane I Crew Chief'd in Germany. When Desert Shield kicked off, It was sent to Depot for the European one Paint scheme. It was the last Desert Camo C-130 in the Air Force inventory at the time. It was hell to wash.
History: 62d TAS, 1967; 464th TAW, 1969-74; Cambodia Resupply Operation, 1974 (Thi Am, Bird Air); 317th TAW, 1975-77; 37th TAS, (Sonja), 1977-81 .

Our Flight Suit Al-Ain Desert Shield Patch. |
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