Below is a Gallery of Spectre Gunship Nose Art Photos
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AC-130 Gunship Spectre Art |
I would like to thank Shawn D. Robinson for his help in identifying some of the AC-130 Spectre gunship nicknames and photos.
AC-130A Gunships |
53-3129 Arbitrator also The First Lady

I would love to post a detailed photo walkaround of this historic bird on this web site. If you have any, please send them to me.
History: Caught fire on landing from third flight, port wing destroyed; repaired at Marietta. Became JC-130A, 9-57, ARC, Hanson Field, Massachusetts, 10-59. AFMC, 4-60. Majors Field, Texas, 12-61; 6650th SW, 8-62. Became AC-130A, 4413th CCTS; 415 SOTS; 16th SOS (Vietnam and Thailand) up to 11-70. 711th SOS, 1976-81.

"The Arbitrator" was actually an earlier name of "The First Lady".
In the photo of "The Arbitrator" youíll see my name over the door, Sgt Lawrence. I was the crew chief on that plane from 68-69. We (129) had 125 on-time take offs that year.
When I left Ubon in November 1969 the guy I turned 129 over to appropriately renamed the plane "The First Lady".
P.S. Unless corrected later, I will take credit for starting the nose art on the gunships in Ubon. I think the 16th had five gunships when I got there in Ď68, none of which had nose art and I had to get permission to do it. I hired some local Thai who had some known talent and I had to get permission to get him out on the flight line. I paid him but do not remember how much.
As to 629 I have a photo of that plane which we "sold" to each other to raise money for the families of those killed that night. The photo has no nose art. I donít recall if it had art by the time it was shot down. I was on the flight line the night she came back and crashed. Contributed by Randall G. Lawrence
The First Production 53-3129 (C/N 3001), The First Lady, Yes it was the first C-130A off the production line. First production C-130 flight was 7 April 1955. It was retired as an AC-130A aircraft. It was converted to 4 bladed props in the late 1980's. It retired as a AFRES Gunship in late 1995. You can see it on display in the final AFRES configuration (grey paint, black markings, 4-blade Hamilton Standard props) at the USAF Armament Museum, Eglin AFB, Fla.
54-1623 Ghost Rider
No Photo Available AC-130A, 54-1623, (C/N 3010) History: Became AC-130A. 16th SOS, 8th TFW, Ubon RTAFB, Thailand, 1971-72 (Ghost Rider); 711th SOS, 1978-80. On Display at Dobbins AFB, GA
54-1625 War Lord
 Photo by
AC-130A, 54-1625, (C/N 3012) History: Became JC-130A; AFSC. Became AC-130A; 4413th CCTS, 4410th CCTW, Lockbourne AFB, Ohio, 1968-69; 16th SOS, 8th TFW, Ubon RTAFB, Thailand, 1969 (War Lord). Shot down over Ho Chi Minh Trail, 21 April 1970.
KIA was 10 crewman Lt. Col. C. Rowdey Lt. Col. C. Davis Maj. D. Fischer Maj. W. Brooks Lt. J. Tower MSgt. R. Ireland Sgt. T. Adachi Sgt. D. Harris Sgt. R. Hensley A1C. D. Lint
54-1626 Vulcan Express also Super Spooky

 Photos by
AC-130A, 54-1626, (C/N 3013) History: AFTC, El Centro, 1956, Became prototype AC-130A, 1967. 4950th TW, 1966-67; 16th SOS, 14th SOW, Nha Trang AB, Vietnam, 1968; crashed and damaged, Vietnam, 3-72, but repaired. 711th SOS, 1979. Retired and on Display at the US Air Force Museum Name and Nose Art removed, Still has the Black Crow and the other "humps and bumps," otherwise it was difficult to tell it was an AC-130.
54-1627 Gomer Grinder
No Photo Available AC-130A, 54-1627, (C/N 3014) History: Became JC-130A, thence AC-130A. 16th SOS, 8th TFW, Ubon RTAFB, Thailand, 1969-72 (Gomer Grinder); 415th SOTS, 1st SOW, Hurlburt Field, Florida, 1973-74; 711th SOS, 1975; MASDC, 1976-81. Retired to AMARC
54-1628 The Exterminator
No Photo Available AC-130A, 54-1628, (C/N 3015) History: Became JC-130A. 6550th SW, Patrick AFB. Became AC-130A; 16th SOS, 8th TFW, Ubon RTAFB, Thailand, 1969-73 (The Exterminator); 711th SOS 919th SOG, Duke Field, Florida, 1977-80. Retired to AMARC
54-1629 Name Unknown
No Photo Available AC-130E, 54-1629, (C/N 3016) History: Became JC-130A; AFSC; 6550th SW, 1964. Became AC-130A; 16th SOS, 8th TFW; suffered damage from ground fire over Laos and written off after crash landing, Ubon RTAFB, Thailand, 24 May 1969. KIA were: SSgt C. F. Taylor SSgt J. W. Troglen
54-1630 Azreal - Angel of Death Mores de Callis' 
 Above May 1969 Contributed by
 Mikey Photo
AC-130A, 54-1630, (C/N 3017), AZREAL - ANGEL OF DEATH Mores de Callis' History: Became JC-130A, thence AC-130A; 16th SOS, 8th TFW 1970-71 (Mors de Callis); 415th SOTS, 1st SOW, 1971-76; 711th TAS, 1977-81. Flew at least three missions in Desert Storm, and is currently on display at the USAF Museum, Ohio.
 Phil Callihan photo
55-0011 Surprise Package Night Stalker

AC-130A, 55-0011, (C/N 3038) History: 40th TAS, 1968. Became AC-130A. 4413th CCTS, 4410th CCTW, 1970; 415th SOTS, 1st SOW, 1971; 16th SOS, 8th TFW, Ubon RTAFB, Thailand, 1972; 711th SOS, 919th SOG, Duke Field, Florida, 1976-81. Retired to AMARC.
55-0014 Jaws of Death

 Michael P Kube-McDowell Photo
AC-130A-LM, 55-0014, (C/N 3041) History: 815th TCS, Tachikawa AB, Japan, 1967; 40th TAS, 1968, Became AC-130A, 16th SOS, 8th TFW, Ubon RTAFB, Thailand, 1973; 711th SOS, 1973-80. Retired to Robins AFB Museum.
 Special Walkaround
55-0029 Midnight Express
No Photo Available
AC-130A, 55-0029, (C/N 3056) History: 815th TCS, 1958. Became AC-130A, circa 1970. 16th SOS, 8th TFW, Ubon RTAFB, Thailand, 1972-73; 711th SOS, 1977-81. Flew 20 combat missions and flew until 1994. Retired to AMARC
55-0040 Orion The Hunter
AC-130A 55-0040, (C/N 3067), History: Became Ac-130A, 16th SOS, 8th TFW, Ubon RTAFB, Thailand, 1972-73; 711th SOS, 1975-76; MASDC, 1976-81. Currently retired to AMARC (Fuselage only)
55-0043 Name Unknown
No Photo Available
AC-130A, 55-0043, (C/N 3070) History: 463d TCW, March 1958, Became AC-130A, circa 1970. Shot Down by SA-7 SAM over the Shan Valley, SW Hue, 18 June 1972.
KIA was 12 crew members: Maj. C. R. Ayers Maj. R. H. Harrison Capt. M. G. Danielson Capt. P. F. Gilbert Capt. R. A. Wilson MSgt. J. E. Mercer SSgt. R. M. Cole SSgt. D. H. Klinke SSgt. L. J. Newman SSgt. R. E. Nyhoff Sgt. S. L. Lehrke Sgt. L. A. Hunt
55-0044 Prometheus
No Photo Available
AC-130A, 55-0044, (C/N 3071) History: Became AC-130A, circa 1970. 16th SOS, 8th TFW, Ubon RTAFB, Thailand (Prometheus); damaged by ground fire shot of #3 and #4 propellers December 1971 and was Shot Down by SA-2 SAM over Tchepone Laos, 28 March 1972
KIA was 14 crew members - Maj. H. P. Brauner - Maj. L. B. Ramsower - Maj. H. D. Stephenson - Capt. R. Castillo - Capt. R. C. Halpin - Capt. C. D. Miller - Capt. C. T. Wanzell - Capt. R. B. Young - SSgt. J. K. Cantford - SSgt. M. L. Paulson - SSgt. R. J. Pearce - SSgt. R. D. Smith - Sgt. W. A. Todd - A1C. R. R. Simmons
55-0046 Proud Warrior

AC-130A, 55-0046, (C/N 3073) History: Delivered on loan to US Marine Corps, 1957, for air refuelling trials. Became AC-130A, circa 1969. 21st TAS Naha AB, Okinawa, 1970; 16th SOS, 8th TFW, Ubon RTAFB, Thailand, 1972-74; 711th SOS, 1976-81. Retired to AMARC
56-0469 Grim Reaper

AC-130A, 56-0469, (C/N 3077), History: Became AC-130A; 16th SOS, 8th TFW, Ubon RTAFB, Thailand, 1970-73; 711th SOS, 1976-81. Retired to AMARC, scrapped, cockpit removed to use on AC-130U simulator at Sheppard AFB, TX
56-0471 Blind Bat
No Photo Available
C-130A, 56-0471, (C/N 3079) History: 463d TCW; 35th TAS, Naha AB, Okinawa, circa 1969; 139th TAS, New York ANG, 1972-75; 105th TAS, Tennessee ANG, 1976; 142d TAS, Deleware ANG, 1976-77; 105th TAS, 1977-81. Test aircraft for the Black Crow truck ignition locating system. Never flew as a Spectre gunship. Retired to AMARC at Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ in 1987 when the unit converted to H'models.
56-0490 Thor or Super Chicken
No Photo Available
AC-130A, 56-0490, (C/N 3098) History: 817th TCS, 1958-59 Became JC-130A, Thence AC-130A, 16th SOS, 8th TFW, Ubon TRAFB, Thailand (Thor), 1972 shot down over An Loc, Laos, 21 December 1972. The Super Chicken names were painted on the sides of the cargo ramp.
KIA was 14 crew members - Maj. P. O. Meder - Maj. R. A. Walsh - Capt. J. R. Birch - Capt. D. R. Dickens - Capt. T. J. Hart - Capt. S. N. Kroboth - Capt. H. R. Lagerwall - Capt. R. L. Liles - Lt. G. D. Macdonald - SSgt. R. T. Elliott - TSgt. J. Q. Winningham - TSgt. J. P. Fuller - A1C. C. R. Fenter - A1C. R. E. Reaid
56-0509 Raids Kill um Dead or Ultimate End

 Photo by
AC-130A, 56-0509, (C/N 3117), Raids Kill um Dead or Ultimate End.
History: Became AC-13A; 16th SOS. 8th TFW, Ubon RTAFB, Thailand (Raid Kills Um Dead), 1972-74; damaged at An Loc, 23 December 1972, but repaired; 711th TAs/SOS 1977-81. On Display at Air Commando Airpark, Hurlburt AFB, FL. Configuration in Ubon combat (black paint, red markings, Aeroproduct 3-blade props).
AC-130E/H Gunships
69-6567 Ghostrider
Mike McCarthy photo
AC-130H, 69-6567, (C/N 4341) History: 64th TAW, 1969-70. Became AC-130E, 1970; 415th SOTS, 1971-72. Became AC-130H, 1973; 16th SOS, 1973; 415th SOTS, 1974-77; 16th SOS, 1978-81.
Call Sign Spirit 03, Lost to a SAM near the border town of Khafji 50 miles south of Kuwait City January 31, 1991, Desert Storm. KIA were: - Pilot- Maj Paul Weaver - Co-pilot- Capt. T.C. Bland - EW Officer- Capt. Dixon Walters - Fire Control Officer- Capt. Art Galvan - Navigator- Capt. William Grimm - Gunner- SMSgt Jim May - Sensor Operator- SMSgt Paul Buege - Gunner- TSgt John Oeischlager - Gunner- TSgt Bob Hodges - Flight Engineer- SSgt Damon Kanuha - Sensor Operator- SSgt John Blessinger - Gunner- SSgt Tim Harrison - Illuminator Operator- SSgt Mark Schmauss - Gunner- Sgt Barry Clark
Webmaster Note: This Gunship nose art page is dedicated to SSgt Mark Schmauss whom I was fortunate to work with at Little Rock AFB, Arkansas 1985 He gave his life for our country, may he rest in peace.
69-6568 Nightstalker

 Mike McCarthy photo
 Mike McCarthy photo

AC-130H, 69-6568 (C/N 4342) History: 64th TAW, 1969-70 Became Ac-130E, 1970; 415th SOTS, 1972. Became AC-130H, 1973; 415th SOTS, 1974-77; 16th SOS, 1978-84
69-6569 Excalibur Fatal Attraction

 Jim John Photos
AC-130H 68-6569, (C/N 4343) History: 64th TAW, 1969-70. Became AC-130E, 1970; 16th SOS, 8th TFW, Ubon TRAFB, Thailand, 1972-73. Became AC-130H, 1973; 415th SOTS, 1977; 16th SOS, 1977-84.
69-6570 The Hussy Bad Company

 Jim John Photos
 Photo by Koen Leuvering
AC-130H 69-6570, (C/N 4344) History: 64th TAW, 1969-70. Became AC-130E, 1970; 16th SOS, 8th TFW, 1972. Became AC-130H, 1973; 415th SOTS, 1975-77; 16th SOS, 1978-84  
 Numerous turbine bearing failures as evident with the QEC kill markings. Photo by The Sandbox is hell on Turbines.
69-6571 Name Unknown
No Photo Available
AC-130E, 69-6571, (C/N 4345) History: 64th TAW, 1969-70. Became AC-130E, 1970; 16th SOS. 8th TFW, 1971-72; shot Down near An Loc, 30 March 1972.
No list of KIA available
69-6572 Grave Digger

 On static display Las Vegas 1988 Photos by
AC-130H 69-6572 (C/N 4346) History: 64th TAW, 1970. Became AC-130E, 1970; 16th SOS, 8th TFW, 1972. Became AC-130H, 1973; 415th SOTS, 1976-77; 16th SOS, 1978-84.
69-6573 Heavy Metal
No Photo Available
AC-130H 69-6573 (C/N 4347) History: 64th TAW, 1970. Became AC-130E, 1970; 16th SOS, 8th TFW, 1972. Became AC-130H, 1973; 16th SOS, 1975; 415th SOTS, 1977; 16th SOS, 1978-84.
69-6574 Iron Maiden

 DIRCM (Directional Infrared Countermeasures) Pods Photos
AC-130H, 69-6574, (C/N 4348) History: 64th TAW, 1970. Became AC-130E, 1970; 16th SOS, 8th TFW, 1972-73. Became AC-130H, 1973; 415th SOTS, 1977; 16th SOS, 1978-84.
69-6575 Wicked Wanda

AC-130H-LM, 69-6575, (C/N 4349) History: 64th TAW, 1968-70. Became AC-130E, 1970; 16th SOS, 8th TFW, 1973. Became AC-130H, 1973; 415th SOTS, 1975-77; 16th SOS, 1978-84
Danny Deters Photos
69-6576 Preditor (was Bad Company, Widow Maker)
No Photo Available
AC-130H, 69-6576, (C/N 4351), Pave Spectre I Prototype E conversion. History: 64th TAW, 1970. Became AC-130E, 1970; 16th SOS, 8th TFW, 1973. Became AC-130H, 1973; 415th SOTS, 1975-77; 16th SOS, 1978-84. Converted by Warner-Robbins Air Material Area (WRAMA) and its initial armament was a pair of 7.62mm MXU-470 Miniguns, two 40mm Bofors and a pair of 20mm M-61 cannon. Subsequently they were re-armed with the Pave Aegis with one fewer 40mm Bofers and a huge 105mm howitzer firing obliquely downwards from the port side. Lost on March 14, 1994 over the Indian Ocean off the coast of Kenya, near the town of Malindi, while practice firing the 105mm howitzer saw a premature detonation and the resultant explosion set fire to the port engines, the aircraft crashing into the sea. Aircraft and crew were supporting the ongoing operations in and around Mogadishu, Somalia. Call sign Jockey 14, loss of eight crewmembers. - Capt. Anthony Stefanik, Fire Control Officer - Capt. David J. Melhop, Navigator - Capt. Mark A. Quam, Electronic Warfare Officer - MSgt Roy Duncan, Loadmaster - TSgt Robert L. Daniel, Sensor Operator - SSgt Mark E. Moser, Aerial Gunner - SSgt Brian P. Barnes, Aerial Gunner - SSgt William C. Eyler, Sensor Operator
69-6577 Death Angel
No Photo Available
AC-130H, 69-6577, (C/N 4352) Pave Spectre I Prototype E conversion. History: 64th TAW, 1970. Became AC-130E, 1970; 16th SOS, 8th TFW, 1973. Became AC-130H, 1973; AFSC, 1974; 4950th TW, 1975-77; 16th SOS, 1978-84. Converted by Warner-Robbins Air Material Area (WRAMA) and its initial armament was a pair of 7.62mm MXU-470 Miniguns, two 40mm Bofors and a pair of 20mm M-61 cannon. Subsequently they were re-armed with the Pave Aegis with one fewer 40mm Bofers and a huge 105mm howitzer.
AC-130U Gunships
87-0128 Big Daddy

87-0128, (C/N 5139) Based on C-130H and was converted at Palmdale, CA, the first production U-model. The photo shows it at Edwards AFB in FSD (Full Scale Development) configuration and flight tested for evaluation by 6510 Test Wing. The large boom has been subsequently removed and the aircraft has been painted to match the fleet. The name of 128 is Big Daddy.
Joined the 4 Special Operations Squadron, 16 Special Operations Wing at Hurlburt Field, Florida, followed by 12 more U-Boats listed below.
89-0509 Total Carnage 
AC-130U, 89-0509, (C/N 5228) |
89-0510 Gunslinger

AC-130U, 89-0510, (C/N 5229),
89-0511 Predator

AC-130U, 89-0511, (C/N 5230), "The Lost Boys" painted on the side by the crew after returning from the Middle East. Photo
1st production U-model, delivered to the USAF April 1992.
89-0512 Dead On
AC-130U, 89-0512, (C/N 5231) No Photo Available |
89-0513 Killer Instincts
AC-130U, 89-0513, (C/N 5232) No Photo Available |
89-0514 Maximum Carnage

AC-130U, 89-0514, (C/N 5233) photo |
90-0163 Bad Omen
AC-130U, 90-0163, (C/N 5256) No Photo Available |
90-0164 Bad Intentions
AC-130U, 90-0164, (C/N 5257) No Photo Available |
90-0165 Widow Maker, was Thumper and Midnight Medussa
AC-130U, 90-0165, (C/N 5259) No Photo Available |
90-0166 Hell Raiser

AC-130U, 90-0166 (C/N 5261) |
90-0167 Terminator II was Azrael

 Steve Belanger Photos
AC-130U, 90-0167,(C/N 5262)

92-0253 Eight Ball
No Photo Available
AC-130U, 92-0253, (C/N 5279)
Spectre Artists
 Daily News Article
Spectre Nose Art Artist Mike McCarthy

Spectre Art Flag
These are the only ones that exist; I airbrushed it in the late 70's. I flew it in every combat mission since Grenada. A lot of guys who signed the flag went down in Desert Storm and Somolia, they went into retirement in 1995 when I retired, I might put them in the gunship display in Air Force Museum, Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio.
Unknown Tail Codes

Tail Number? Photo Contributed by Danny Deters |

AC-130? Unknown tail number? Paul Jarvis photo |
Another unknown tail number |
If you have any updated information on the history's for any of these Herks please email me. |
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