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Belgium 20th Annv Herk CH-05 71-1801 (C/N 4470) History: Delivered 3 November 1972; No 20 Sqn, 15 Wing, BAF, Melsbroek, 1973-81. Photo Taken 1992 |

The Fat Slags XV215, 66-8565 (C/N 4242) History: Delivered 11-11-67 to Marshall; No 24 Sqn, RAF, 1968; Lyneham Wing, 1975-82. Delivered to the RAAF 2003. |

Dennis the Menace XV292, 66-13535 (C/N 4257) History: Delivered 8-2-68 to Marshall; No 47 Sqn, RAF, 1968; No 48 Sqn, 1970; Lyneham Wing, 1971-80. Recently delivered to the Mexican Air Force.
XV292 Again C-130K C MARK 1 Anniversary Herk

Garfield XV297, 66-13540, (C/N 4263) History: Delivered 22-3-68 to Marshall; No 30 Sqn, RAF, 1969; No 40 Sqn, 1970; No 242 OCU; Lyneham Wing, 1974-81.
Use to deliver the body of Rudolf Hess, the former deputy leader of the Nazi party under Hitler, who died in suspicious circumstances at Spandau prison in Berlin on 17 August 1987. The body was transferred from British Military Hospital to RAF Gatow and then flown to the USAF base a Grafnwohr, nearest the airfield to the Hess family home at Wunsiedel.

Snoopy XV306, 66-13549, (C/N 4274) History: Delivered 1-5-68 to Marshall; No 30/47 Sqns, RAF, 1969-70; Lyneham Wing, 1974-81 |

Betty Boob XV206 C-130K 66-8556, (C/N 4231) History: Delivered 9-9-67 to Marshall; No 48 Sqn, RAF, 1968; Lyneham Wing, 1971-80. |

XV192 C Mk 1(K) , 65-13037 (C/N 4212) History: Delivered 15-5-67 to Marshall; No. 36 Sqn, RAF, 1967; No 70 Sqn (Horatius) 1970; Lyneham Wing, 1974-81; wing damaged by fire, but repaired, 1981. Became fourth C Mk 1(K) tanker, 1982 (mod by Marshall).
CH-02, 15th Wing 30th Anniversary 71- 1798 (C/N 4460) History: Delivered 26 July, 1972; No 20 Sqn, 15 Wing, BAF, Melsbroek, 1972-81. Belgium Air Force


C130H, CH-02, Belgium Air Force Pictures taken at Koksijde Airbase (EBFN), Belgium, July 4, 1993 Photos by:
Update: Sad News 8 May 2006, A Belgian Air Force C130 (reg: CH-02) was destroyd in a fire at Brussels Airport. A maintenance hangar (from Sabena Technics) was on fire and destroyd 4 planes, 3 A320 and one C130. The Belgian Air Force is seeking for an replacement aircraft.

C-130B 401 (C/N 3724) South African AF History: No 28 Sqn, SAAF, Waterkloof, Tranvall, 1965-80 Delivered 1963-64

C-130H Kiwi Herk TWAT Unknown serial number |

An interesting shot of a British Herk XV207 in Dubai UAE 1990, Note the Flight Mechanic on the wing behind the #1 running engine. This practice is strictly forbidden in the USAF, so I had to take a picture of this as proof. |

History: XV207, 66-8557 (C/N 4232) Delivered 22-9-67 to Marshall; No 48 Sqn, RAF, 1968; A&AEE, Bascombe Down, Lyneham Wing, 1975, Became C Mk 3, 1981 (Mod by Marshall) |
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